Fiona Cross Management

Highland House

165 The Broadway

SW19 1NE London

Opening hours: Mon- Friday 9.30am - 6 pm

Actors seeking representation :

All applications will be considered, but because of the high volume of applicants, we are only able to get back to those in whom we are interested.

Please note we can only currently consider actors who are on Spotlight or are eligible. Thank you for your understanding.

If you are an actor seeking representation, please only email us on

Fan Mail Requests :

If you are a headshot collector and would like to request a signed headshot from one of our clients, please post a pre-paid return envelope (big enough for an A5 headshot) to our office address (above) ATTENTION: Fiona Cross Management.

Please add a note with the name of the actor whose headshot you are requesting.

All other enquiries :

For all other production or booking enquiries, please email